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Male, 39 years, born on 2 June 1985
Saint Petersburg, metro station Ploschad' Muzhestva, I want to relocate (Kaliningrad, Cyprus, Krasnodar, Lithuania, Minsk, Moscow, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia), prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
1 500 $ in hand
- Development team leader
Employment: full time, project work
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 15 years 1 month
Saint Petersburg, www.infoshell.ru
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Saint Petersburg, caravandrive.com/
Saint Petersburg, greenbizzz.ru
Business Services... Show more
Yaroslavl, garnet.pro
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Yaroslavl, 2018.navalny.com/en/
Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more
Yaroslavl Oblast, smile-expo.ru/
Moscow, marstefo.ru
Public Services... Show more
Moscow, molurist.ru/
Vladimir, vldlebed.ru/
Vladimir, transparency.org.ru/
Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more
Russia, skylink.ru
Telecommunications, Communications... Show more
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category AAbout me
Higher education
Professional development, courses
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter