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Male, 39 years, born on 2 June 1985

Saint Petersburg, metro station Ploschad' Muzhestva, I want to relocate (Kaliningrad, Cyprus, Krasnodar, Lithuania, Minsk, Moscow, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified


1 500 $ in hand

  • Development team leader

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 15 years 1 month

January 2020currently
5 years 3 months
HLAO Games


Narrative designer
As a part of indie team I create "Splav" - a game about river rafting, friendship and camping adventures. My main tasks are: -Writing storyboards and scenarios; -Drawing comics prototypes; -Creating a setting and a plot; -Charging CusDev to understand players better.
February 2020October 2020
9 months

Saint Petersburg, www.infoshell.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Product / Project manager
Product manager We produce mobile applications and provide implementations. My tasks: - Team facilitating - Junior coaching - Identification and clarification of customer requirements - Writing documentation - Business process optimisation - Product packaging - Setting tasks for performers - Filling up Confluence - Presale participation
October 2019January 2020
4 months
Cars Logistics

Saint Petersburg, caravandrive.com/

Product manager, UX Designer
We create a service for desktop and a mobile application for international cargo transportation. My responsibilities are: - to think over and clarify the path of the client; - draw prototypes and wireframes at Figma; - write technical tasks for design, frontend, backend.
June 2018September 2019
1 year 4 months

Saint Petersburg, greenbizzz.ru

Business Services... Show more

Project manager
Greenbusiness company creates and improves sales departments. Business analytics, developing sales technology with scripts and regulations, hiring new employees, training existing sales people, coaching management - this is an approximate stack of work performed by the company. My responsibilities were: - Monitoring the of the product stages delivery time (proper documentation, video, training); - Maintain project documentation; - Check the work of the analyst or replace it if necessary; - Improve templates the convenience and usability; - Identify and clarify customer needs; - Call potential customers; - Carry out sales to existing customers; - Write technical tasks for video production and design; - Participate in strategic decisions. Achievements: - Led up to 5 projects simultaneously; - Completed 15 projects; - Participated in strategic decisions that directed the company towards digitalization and gamification; - Found and hired two sales managers to work in the CIS and European markets; - For the same client I've created a gamification system to digitize KPI to improve communication; - Created a prototype of a card game for training sales managers. The game is about identifying psychotypes and working with them on the "7 radicals"; - Increased Average Revenue per client by 30%; - Implemented a few Scrum rituals and team interaction mechanics.
January 2018June 2018
6 months
Garnet Production

Yaroslavl, garnet.pro

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Project manager
Together with a 6-people team of webmasters, developed and designed web-sites. Modified existing client's sites. We also worked on a large internal project for banks and realtors - Odobri.online Duties: - Prepare commercial offers; - Distribute tasks among the team; - Clarify needs of the stakeholder for internal projects; - Clarify needs of customers for external project; - Write and send e-mail newsletters. Achievements: - Implemented Scrum and pushed it's rituals; - Prepared the backlog of Odobri.Online; - Successfully closed a contract with a complex customer from real estate.
January 2018February 2018
2 months
Election headquarters

Yaroslavl, 2018.navalny.com/en/

Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

SMM Manager / PR
Maintaining social networks of the regional campaign headquarters. Social media marketing - VK, Telegram, Facebook, Youtube Charged to volunteerr coaching trainings. Communicated with civilians and volunteers. Writing posts, making videos on Youtube.
March 2017November 2017
9 months

Yaroslavl Oblast, smile-expo.ru/

Project Manager
The company organized events in trend areas. Exhibitions, forums, conferences. I've Participated in the implementation of two projects. AR / VR / MR Conference. Gathered a dozen investors and business angels with 15 startups who presented their developments in VR under one roof. topics and affiliate marketing. Race. Affiliate Marketing Event. My duty was to gather the speakers for the event. I was able to collect 2 streams for two days, including speakers from India, Poland, and Great Britain. With a budget of $ 500.
April 2016October 2016
7 months
OOO "Парки Развития"

Moscow, marstefo.ru

Public Services... Show more

Promotion manager, game technicians
The range of duties: - Product packaging and offers - description, presentations, in-house training; - Generated content on the site and social networks; - SMM; - PR; - Development of the printing industry, control of the souvenirs flow; - Organization and carrying out of actions, contests, advertising campaigns, project presentations. - Work with copywriters, designers, photographers to create promotional materials.
March 2016April 2016
2 months
NGO "Young Russian Jurists"

Moscow, molurist.ru/

Project administrator
At the financial literacy project launching was developing a system that would motivate students of economic specialties to teach this subject basics in regional schools. At the same time universities, schools, and the students themselves had to comply with certain regulations and engage in volunteer activities. Also assisted with staff selection for the project.
July 2015January 2016
7 months
Social Intellegence NGO "LEBED"

Vladimir, vldlebed.ru/

Project manager
A small team of six tried to make the city's life better. We gathered and facilitated 5 initiative groups of people depends on their interests to solve problems: housing and communal services and management companies; requisitions in schools; overcrowding of kindergartens; green areas and ecology; monuments and cultural objects. Responsibilities: - workload distribution, time management; - writing applications for grant funds; - reporting to donors; - attracting volunteers to projects; - association of regional volunteer organizations; - conducting educational lectures and seminars; - organization of public events; - monitoring sites of legislative bodies; - media monitoring; - writing articles, analytics and thematic; reviews; maintaining the project pages on social networks; - filling of several sites on Joomla: http://vldlebed.ru/, http://zapret.salt.zone/, http://vladimir.life/ Achievements - introduced into the legislative department a bill on green spaces at the regional level; - introduced a new contract template between housing and management companies of real estate; - 400 people took part in the project during the year; - organized 4 public events; - some working groups continue their activity after the completion of the project!
January 2012June 2015
3 years 6 months
NGO Center of anti-corruption researches and initiatives "Transperency International - Russia"

Vladimir, transparency.org.ru/

Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

Web-sites editor, public relations
NGO "Center TI-R" is a non-profit organization engaged in education and anti-corruption activity. At first, my duties included: - coordination of 6 journalists in different Russian regions, distribution of tasks, joint development of a publication plan; - communication with lawyers, editing written instructions for citizens; - publications at askjournal.ru and transparency.org.ru; - maintaining pages in social networks; - use of Google Analitycs and Yandex.metrics. Since October 2014, transferred to the department of public relations. My responsibilities were: - PR of ongoing anti-corruption research; - Promotion of anti-corruption education courses; - conducting seminars on anti-corruption education in schools and colleges; - monitoring of public procurement sites; - maintaining pages in social networks. I am proud that together with "Transparency's" lawyer I developed and released educational board game “Crossroads” about corruption.
September 2009January 2012
2 years 5 months
Skylink, Федеральный оператор сотовой связи

Russia, skylink.ru

Telecommunications, Communications... Show more

Technical support specialist
Technical support specialist of mobile Internet customers. Provided cunsulting and recomendations for clients on setting up equipment: modems, routers, phones. Specialized in 3G CDMA networks.


Skill proficiency levels
Organization Skills
Time management
CMS Wordpress
Agile Project Management
Project management
Sales Management
Public Speaking
Event Management
Business Planning
Joomla CMS
Team management
Presentation skills
Risk management
Atlassian Jira
Google AdWords
Business Analysis
Product Development

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category A

About me

Eighteen years experience of doing desktop role-playing games, as well as creating worlds and gamemechanics. This is main hobby and lifestyle - mastering, creating and using roleplaying games fantazy implements to educate, motivate and inspire people. Experienced in creating and carrying out urban and field games with about hundred participants. Additional Information: - Divorced, no children; - Ready to travel; - I like hiking, cycling, motorbikes and some sorts of fitness.

Higher education



EnglishC1 — Advanced

Professional development, courses

Game Design and web-projects management
Higher School of Business Informatics (HSBI.hse), Manager of internet projects
Certificate of Achievement to upper intermediate.
Education center "American House", American English course
Certificate of Achievement in leadership programm
Open World Leadership Center, Commemoration of participation in the open world programm

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter