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Female, 33 years, born on 14 November 1991

Saint Petersburg, metro station Ploschad' Vosstaniya, willing to relocate (Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Finland, Croatia, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia), prepared for business trips

Event manager

50 000  in hand

  • Event manager
  • Marketing manager, internet marketer

Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 5 years

July 2017December 2017
6 months


Event manager
- organization and holding events (including mass, before 5,000 persons) from development of the project plan to implementation of "turnkey"; - selection of sites and contractors; - work with contractors, staff, Director group control of the process of preparation and execution; - document management, preparation of cost estimates and schedules, the schedule of payments; - coordination of all the activities for the preparation of the event with the customer; - preparation of reports.
April 2016June 2017
1 year 3 months
Shopping mall "Mercury"

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Event manager
- development and implementation of mass events (100 people); - organization of public lectures; - cost estimates; - development of a trading-entertaining complex (for the holidays); - development of layouts; - maintenance of social groups and sites; - maintenance of sites (Bitrix, Wordpress, Wix); - ordering souvenir products; - communication with contractors; - development and implementation of advertising and pr campaigns.
March 2016April 2016
2 months


Educational Institutions... Show more

- support group for the competition program; - all matters of the team; - quick response to requests of staff; - offer multiple solution options; - organization of excursions.
October 2015October 2015
1 month
Business Dialog


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Assistant on the international conference (project work)
Work at the XX International Conference "Information technologies for rail transport": - headphones; - advising guests.
September 2015September 2015
1 month
SPN Communications


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Project manager assistant (project work)
- preparation of the programme of activities (proofreading, editing); - proofreading the information on the website; - execution of current orders; - translation of texts into English; - shorthand and editing audio recordings.
February 2015September 2015
8 months
Language centre "TOPS"


Advertising and PR specialist
- work with company's website (Wordress); - control of doing contextual advertising; - SMM (vk, facebook, google+); - working with print houses; - develop presentations, banners, posters, booklets, leaflets (Photoshop); - writing articles for the website and social networks; - participation in exhibitions and forums.
August 2014October 2014
3 months
RESTEC Group of Companies (the exhibition and Congress business)


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Manager of international exhibition
- attract visitors to the exhibitions MIFIC EXPO and TEKHNODREV, held from 30 September to 2 October in St. Petersburg (more than 100 participants and more than 3000 visitors); - work with participants of the exhibition; - registration of visitors on the website of online service matchmaking; - advising visitors and participants on issues of the exhibition (including Italian), communication with managers and directors of companies; - coordination of work on the exhibition and the business organization meetings.
December 2012August 2013
9 months
Language centre "TOPS"
Office administrator
- development and management of advertising campaigns; - development of brochures, flyers, posters, business cards, banners for website (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw); - work with contextual advertising (yandex.metrika) - work with printing agency; - website maintenance (WordPress); - SMM; - writing articles; - organization of conversational clubs; - work with clients: - work with state agencies (work visas for foreign teachers); - assistance in organization of educational process; - translation of texts (english-russian and russian-english).
June 2012July 2012
2 months


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Event manager assistant
Participated in organization of the ceremony, dedicated to the Grand opening of the plant PSMA Rus, Kaluga (more than 500 visitors). Advantages: - maintaining a database of visitors; - inviting guests to the ceremony, including foreign - advising invited.
November 2010January 2012
1 year 3 months

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Documentation, work with printed products, participation in the development of the concepts of corporate gifts.


Skill proficiency levels
Ability to work in a team
Ability to work under pressure
Ability to work with large volumes of information
Business ethics
Communication skills

About me

Other skills and hobbies: MS (Word, Excel, Power Point, Illustrator, Adobe Premier Pro, Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, 3D Max). Music, writing poems, journey, learning foreign languages, reading.




EnglishC1 — Advanced

FrenchA1 — Basic

ItalianA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Courses of foreign languages
Language centre "TOPS", English

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter