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Female, 33 years, born on 4 April 1991
Estonia, not willing to relocate, not prepared for business trips
Тренер по гимнастике, инструктор-педагог в фитнес клубе,аниматор для детей
- Fitness trainer, gym instructor
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 12 years 7 months
October 2012 — currently
12 years 6 months
Sport Life
Public Services... Show more
С 2012 года инструктор- педагог детского клуба в фитнес клубе Sport Life Since 2012 , the instructor-teacher of the children's club in the fitness club Sport Life
Другие навыки: Another skills:
Провожу с детьми занятие на профилактику плоскостопия и нарушений опорно-двигательного аппарата, силовые занятия на укрепления мышечного карсета ,рук и ног, Есть опыт работы постановщиком танцев и развлекательных мероприятий для детей. I spend with children a lesson on the prevention of flatfoot and musculoskeletal disorders, strength training to strengthen the muscular crochet, hands and feet, I have experience as a dancer and entertainer for children.
January 2009 — January 2009
1 month
С 2009 года работаю тренером по художественной гимнастике в ДЮСШ «ОЛИМП» Since 2009 I work as a coach in rhythmic gymnastics in the Youth Sports School "OLYMPUS"
About me
Провожу развлекательные мероприятия для детей
Higher education
the National University of Physical Education and Sports
"Fitness coach, recreation and valeology" In 2013 she graduated from magistracy "Human physiology, magistraat
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Ukraine
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter