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Рассматривает предложения

Ташкент, готов к переезду (Австралия, Болгария, Бразилия, Великобритания, Венгрия, Греция, Дания, Ирландия, Исландия, Испания, Италия, Канада, Кипр, Китай, Литва, ОАЭ, Румыния, Сингапур, Словакия, Словения, Таиланд, Турция, Франция, Хорватия, Черногория, Чехия, Швейцария, Швеция, Шотландия, Эстония, Южная Корея, Япония), готов к командировкам

Указан примерный район поиска работы

Marketing Director

  • Арт-директор, креативный директор
  • Руководитель отдела маркетинга и рекламы

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 27 лет 7 месяцев

Октябрь 2022по настоящее время
2 года 6 месяцев

Ташкент, m-fitness.uz

Товары народного потребления (непищевые)... Показать еще

Head of Marketing Communication
- Marketing plan - Events - SEO and targeting - Brand development at the regional level
Июнь 2020по настоящее время
4 года 10 месяцев

Санкт-Петербург, www.ascreengroup.ru/

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Creative Producer
Creating visual and technological concepts, visualisation supervising, making presentations, presenting results to the client
Октябрь 2020Ноябрь 2021
1 год 2 месяца

Москва, www.redkeds.com/

СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще

Creative Director
Communication with Clients, creative briefs preparation, Creative production supervision
Июль 2019Февраль 2020
8 месяцев

Россия, www.admos.ru

СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще

Creative director
Team management, art supervising
Июнь 2017Июнь 2019
2 года 1 месяц


Creative Adviser
Concepting, consulting, art developement
Сентябрь 2013Май 2017
3 года 9 месяцев

Россия, www.cheil.com/

СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще

Creative Director
Responsibilities: - Management of creative teams - Communication with Clients, creative briefs preparation (based on Clients's briefs and vision), brand guideline compliance supervision, creative concepts pushing. - Creative production supervision, collaboration with suppliers (design, web design, digital, TV production). - Creative collaboration with event and trade-marketing departments, scenarios and constructions ideation. Achievements: - Won pitch for Dobry juice and Pulpy drink (Multon / Coca Cola Hellenic) - Won pitch for O'STIN wear brand
Ноябрь 2011Апрель 2013
1 год 6 месяцев
Papa Creative Agency

Россия, papa.ag/

СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще

Creative Director
Responsibilities: - Team management - Communication with clients, creative concepts pushing - Creative production supervision, collaboration with suppliers (design, web design, digital, TV production). Achievements: - According to the results of the pitch, the key client decided to extend the contract for two years ahead - Creative lead of the very successful Tele2 brand strategy development (Russia and Kazakhstan 2012 - 2013 with 5 years perspective) - Successfully created and deployed the first national-wide 360 campaign for the new Tele2 brand image - Won pitch for Castorama - Won pitch for HBO Russia (Amedia)
Сентябрь 2009Октябрь 2011
2 года 2 месяца
Instinct BBDO Group

Россия, instinct.ru/

СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще

Creative Director
Responsibilities: - Team management - Communication with clients - Creative production supervision, collaboration with suppliers (design, web design, digital, TV production). Achievements: - Dramatically changed key client's perception of the creative process in the agency to positive. Client has cancelled mandatory procedure of annual pitches two years in the row due to their satisfaction in creative and client service (they were near to brake the contract before).
Июнь 2008Июль 2009
1 год 2 месяца

Россия, www.rapp.com/

СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще

Creative Director
Responsibilities: - Management of creative teams - Communication with Clients, creative briefs preparation (based on Clients's briefs and vision), brand guideline compliance supervision, creative concepts pushing. - Creative production supervision, collaboration with suppliers (design, web design, digital, TV production). Achievements: - Several campaigns created and deployed including pan-European one.
Сентябрь 2001Май 2008
6 лет 9 месяцев


СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще

Creative Group-Head
Responsibilities: - Management of creative teams - Communication with Clients, creative briefs preparation (based on Clients's briefs and vision), brand guideline compliance supervision, creative concepts pushing. - Creative production supervision, collaboration with suppliers (design, web design, digital, TV production). Achievements: - Structured and organized working process the way it dramatically changed perception of the Creative Group I lead from "routine and stressful'' to "team I want to join'' - Developed series of creative platforms - Made more than 100 commercials for Orbit, Juicy Fruit, Hubba Bubba, Eclipse, Tunes, Beeline etc - Trained interns and juniors, including students from abroad
Январь 1997Август 2001
4 года 8 месяцев

Россия, www.tbwa.ru/

СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще

Creative Director
Responsibilities: - Creative supervision - Communication with Clients Achievements: - Took part in the process of integration of the local agency into Omnicom network


Уровни владения навыками
Hand Drawing
Concept Development
Graphic Design
Conceptual Design
Web Design
Strategic Marketing
Project management
Marketing Communication
Marketing Strategy Development
Talent Management
Preparing Presentations
B2B Marketing
Digital Marketing
Brand Management
Team management
Event Management
Presentation skills
Analytical skills
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Навыки презентации
Ведение переговоров

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B, C

Обо мне

What i'm good at: • Projects supervision • Advertising strategy development (together with analytics) • Creative platform, Big Idea development You also will be happy to hire me if: • You have problems in your teams, frictions or client-agency misunderstanding • You need a leader who can draw, has a perfect spatial imagination, keen on motion and animation graphics • You deadly need a person with a good taste and engineering skills at the same time • You need an impressive presenter or a creative coach You can rely on me with all designer’s or presentation software for PC or Mac. I have lovely family and a cute dog. The only prey I may ask from you is a flexible schedule. I'd like to have one more day per week for self-development so it’s going to be 3 or 4 working days per week instead of regular 5. Or I can work remotely. We can massively bargain my cost for sure if you are happy with it. And I'm ready to work full time if it's necessary. Cheers. Nikolay.

Высшее образование

Moscow State Technical University "MAMI" (former Moscow Auto-Mechanical Institute)
«Cars and Tractors» Faculty, Mechanical engineer

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

Повышение квалификации, курсы

SIT, Israel
BBDO, Inventive Thinking. Creative specialist
BBDO, Strategies That Change Behaviour
Open Forum
BBDO, Collective Work

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения