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Male, 32 years, born on 27 March 1992

Baku, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Italy, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Latvia, Malaysia, Moldova, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Russia, Romania, USA, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Estonia, Japan), not prepared for business trips

Инженер по охране труда и технике безопасности

3 500 $ in hand

  • Occupational health and safety engineer, environmental engineer

Employment: full time, part time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule

Work experience 5 years 2 months

July 2017October 2017
4 months
Construction Repair Company#11
HSE Supervisor
3 month contract (Reconstruction NORM cement plant ) http://www.crc.az/
March 2017June 2017
4 months
EURO Design LLC Company
HSE Supervisor
Project Baku 2017 Islamic Solidarity Games http://eurodesign.az/ru/proekty/Project/50/baku-2017
August 2016December 2016
5 months
ST Facade Technology SRL Company
HSE Manager
Project ADA 2 University http://www.velko.ru/
February 2016August 2016
7 months
Konteks&Samsung Engineering Company
Deputy HSE Manager
Socar Carbamide Plant http://www.samsungengineering.com/
August 2014January 2016
1 year 6 months
TKAZ (Tekfen&Azfen) Alliance
HSE Advisor
Project BP Shah Daniz 2 http://www.tekfen.com.tr/english/home.asp
July 2012August 2014
2 years 2 months
CRC#11 & Holcim Group Services Ltd
HSE Specialist
Project Gara6 Dry Klin http://www.holcim.com/


Skill proficiency levels
Охрана труда и техника безопасности
Health & Safety
Вводный инструктаж о мерах пожарной безопасности

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

A conscientious and professional HSE competent person extensive experience in Management, Supervision and Advisor roles, currently seeking a new position as an HSE Department. A highly organised and efficient individual, whose thorough and precise approach to projects has yielded excellent results. Recent achievements with my current employer include the implementation of an innovative new filing and management system.


Higher education (bachelor)

Azerbaijan Technical University
Automation and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

TurkishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Computer Engineering
Avrasiya Training Center, Engineering

Tests, examinations

Incident Investigation Level 2
Occupational Training International, Advisor

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Azerbaijan

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter