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Male, 37 years, born on 15 July 1987

Saint Petersburg, willing to relocate (Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Latvia, New Zealand, Norway, USA, Slovenia, Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, Estonia), prepared for business trips

Senior Software Engineer

3 300  in hand

  • Programmer, developer

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: remote working

Work experience 14 years 4 months

April 2016currently
9 years
Maslick and Sons


Freelance Information Systems Developer
- JVM (Java SE/EE, Kotlin) - Ruby on Rails - Javascript (ES5, ES6) - Mobile development & IoT: Android SDK, BLE - UI/UX: HTML5, CSS3, Angular, React - DevOps: CI/CD, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Openshift - Cloud: AWS, GCP, Digital Ocean, Heroku, IBM Cloud
January 2019September 2019
9 months
INEOR d.o.o.

Slovenia, www.ineor.si

Public Services... Show more

Senior Software Engineer
✔️(Virtual) sports betting ✔️Slot machine gambling Technology stack: - Java 11 - Spring 5, SpringBoot 2 - Kafka, Cassandra - Keycloak - Graphite, Grafana - Jenkins, Nexus, Sonarqube - Kubernetes, Openshift, Rancher Achievements/responsibilities: - Maintainer of an on-premise Openshift OKD cluster - CI/CD pipelines (Jenkins, Nexus, SonarQube, Openshift, k8s) - Kubernetes integration (GKE, on-premise k8s cluster managed by Rancher, IBM Cloud managed/on-premise) - Openshift integration (cloud-native apps and services: java, angular, react, node.js, etc.) - Keycloak integration (backend, frontend, themes, Docker, compose, k8s) - Secured REST and Websocket APIs (Keycloak, Spring security) - Ported REST APIs to a fully non-blocking, reactive stack (Webflux/Netty) - Production work (Java, DevOps)
October 2016October 2018
2 years 1 month
Jozef Stefan Institute

Slovenia, dis.ijs.si

Senior Assistant at Department of Intelligent Systems
✔️Ambient Intelligence Lab ✔️Production work: Fit4work, Heartman ✔️ML/AI: activity recognition ✔️Android development ✔️Data acquisition, synchronisation, storage, processing - Java 8, Kotlin, SpringBoot - SOLID, TDD, DI - CI/CD: Travis, Jenkins, Bintray - Maven, Gradle, npm, bower, yarn - Reactive: RxJava, RxJs - DAQ, IoT: Microsoft Band 2, Angel Band, Mi Band, TicWatch, Empatica, Netatmo, BLE - DevOps: Docker, Heroku, Flynn, Azure, OpenShift - HTML5, Javascript, Angular, node.js, d3 - Messaging: JMS, AMQP, WebSocket, MQTT - OAuth2.0: Keycloak
September 2015March 2016
7 months
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science

Slovenia, www.fri.uni-lj.si/en/laboratory/liis

Software Developer
Laboratory for Integration of Information Systems - AgroIT: development of a cloud integration platform (80%), project management (20%) - Flexiciency: conducting technical specifications
May 2013December 2015
2 years 8 months
Cosylab d.d.

Slovenia, www.cosylab.com

Software engineer
- Production work: ANKA, ITER, ESS, ELI-NP - R&D: Study and optimization of the control systems for particle accelerators (oPAC), Device Control Database Tool, EPICS dlloader, TestBed
December 2010May 2013
2 years 6 months
D.V. Efremov Institute for Electro-Physical Apparatus

Saint Petersburg

Controls engineer (SW+HW)
- Participated in and conducted high-current physics experiments - Automated the Fast Discharge Unit for ITER - Automated the Pulsed-Power Lab (EPICS integration) - PLC integration (Siemens S7-300, Siemens FM352-5)


Skill proficiency levels
Software Development
Web Application Development
Java EE
Design Patterns
Distributed Systems
Continuous Integration
Ruby On Rails
Apache Maven
Data acquisition

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

My career path has brought me from engineering (Efremov Institute) over to the programming world (Cosylab), and lately to the area of information systems (Laboratory for Integration of Information Systems), artificial intelligence (Ambient Intelligence Lab) and online gaming (INEOR). My engineering experience started at the pulsed-power lab, where I was responsible for the automation of high-current experiments for the international thermonuclear reactor (ITER). There I was integrating electro-physical equipment into the control system called CODAC, which I later helped to improve as a Marie-Curie fellow at Cosylab. After my first introduction to cloud technologies at the HEPTech Academia Meets Industry on Big Data conference back in 2015, where I got to know the field of big-data, cloud computing, IoT and met up with people from the industry and enterprise (CERN, SAS, EMC, HP, Microsoft, Ericsson, Intel) — I firmly decided to become an information system developer. Since then I have been using a number of cloud technologies in a variety of applications (IoT, AI, ML, online gaming). Lately, I got hooked on Kubernetes, Android, IoT, reactive and concurrent programming. I like to design information systems, APIs and UIs. I understand the power of OOP, TDD and value the environment with well-established business and SW development processes. I am looking for a Senior position in a well-organized team of professionals who use cutting edge solutions and practices. Where: SME, startup, fulltime/remote Areas of interest: DevOps, backend, IoT, Android Technology stack: gradle, Java/Kotlin, Rx, Coroutines, SpringBoot, Mockito, Vert.x, k8s, OOP, TDD, CI/CD About me: - I love to deploy code to production - I have 4+ years of experience with JVM languages - I love programming and am proud of my results - I adopt a firm position about an issue - I write clean code and maintain it - I commit to open-source - I like to educate myself, open to cutting edge technologies and new challenges

Higher education (master)

Central R&D Institute for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, Automation and Control


EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia, Slovenia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour