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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 53 years, born on 12 August 1971
Saint Petersburg, metro station Ladozhskaya, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, USA, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, Estonia), prepared for business trips
SW Developer, SCM Specialist, Devops
3 200 $ in hand
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 26 years 9 months
September 2017 — June 2021
3 years 10 months
Saint Petersburg, www.ibm.com/ru
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
SW Developer
Our team in IBM Global Business Solution focused to developed set of application for oil and gas drilling companies based on machine learning technologies
* Architecture design and prototyping
* System integration, requirements and limitation analysis during MVP, approbation and production stage
* Key java developer for design and develop witsml server and witsml adapters for integration with customer system
* Develop servers that load data from customer drilling control systems, transfer it to ML servers an store results to database (python based)
* Develop MVP (gui and backend) for project “find missed oil and gas reservoir in existing oilfields (python, javascript based)
* Develop serves side for “lithology prediction project” (python based)
* Provide data source analysis, definition and verification
October 2013 — August 2017
3 years 11 months
IBM (IBM Now Factory)
Saint Petersburg
SW Developer
IBM Now Factory develops analytics software to enable CSP gain greater insights into Customer experience on their networks
Position: SW Developer:
* Key java developer of application layer components to enable the processing of Network interface data (e.g. Gn, LTE, VoLTE) and calculate KPIs ;
* Development of adapters to enable different probing vendors interface with TNF application ;
* Developed application software for subscribers behavior analysis ;
* Setup and support development environment (Git, Jenkins, "ready to run" virtual machine images and data for its) ;
* Key role for provide support for onsite and devops engineers ;
* 3rd party solution evaluation and integration ;
* Application and source code vulnerability scans and vulnerability analysis ;
* Continuous integration and test tools setup and configuration ;
* Developed integration test utilities and plugins ;
* Performance test and test data preparation, include data transformation (anonymization, randomization, groping, cloning and time/location adjustment) ;
* Design and developed TNF distributed system monitoring tools based on Nagios ;
October 2008 — October 2013
5 years 1 month
The Now Factory
SW Developer
The Now Factory develops analytics software for CSP and its clients
Position: SW Developer
* Developed server-side software for telecommunication provider data analysis ;
* Developed application software for subscribers behavior analysis ;
* Design and developed software that allow provide targeting advertisement company for CSP clients ;
* 3rd party solution evaluation and integration ;
* Developed automation test tool for test software configuration, data processing and reports ;
* Wrote technical and project documentation ;
June 2003 — October 2008
5 years 5 months
TekLabs for Elcoteq Design Center
SW Developer
Elcoteq Design Center develop mobile phone platform and mobile phone
Position: SW Developer, SCM specialist
* Performed requirements gathering and analysis ;
* Wrote technical and project documentation ;
* Statement of tasks
* Developed mobile phone software ;
* Developed automated testing system for embedded system software ;
* 3rd party solution evaluation and integration ;
* Organized release and build process ;
* Support and adjust multisite source control and change management system ;
* Control and coordinate release, bugfixing and change management process between multisite teams ;
* Involved in to creation and improvement project documents templates ;
May 2002 — May 2003
1 year 1 month
TekLabs for Benefon Oy
SW Developer
Benefon is mobile phone manufacture company
Position: SW Developer, SCM specialist
* Statement of tasks
* Wrote technical and project documentation ;
* Developed software for the GSM/GPS navigation instrument ;
* Developed mobile phone software ;
* Performed 3rd party solution evaluation and integration ;
* Install and support source control systems ;
March 2002 — April 2002
2 months
M2K Petersburg
SW Developer
* Developed server-side application for mobile device clients and browsers ;
September 1999 — January 2002
2 years 5 months
w-Technologies Inc
Company: w-Technologies Inc, St. Petersburg Representative Office
w-Technologies developed software that provide access internet banking, trading system, stock exchange from mobile phones and terminals
Position: Programmer in the Mobile Applications Development Group, Member of Project Research and Product Definition department.
* Statement of tasks ;
* drew up of technical and functional projects specification ;
* analysis of existing and announced technologies and means of their integration with developed systems ;
* developed applications for mobile devices uses the J2ME, Geos (NOKIA9110), and WinCE platforms ;
* developed new generation server-side part of w-Technologies based on J2EE technologies ;
* developed server-side component for w-Technologies for access to client ERP system ;
April 1999 — September 1999
6 months
SW Developer in the Integration Department
* Analyzed existing data management and accounting system and processes in customer (Seaport S.Peterburg) ;
* Performed adjustment and configuration terminal and PC based ERP client software ;
* Developed data importing procedures from customer's accounting and store-management systems to V-Real ERP system ;
* Designed screen forms and reports based on from existing customer's accounting and store-management systems for V-Real ERP system ;
June 1997 — March 1999
1 year 10 months
Holding "Kolibry"
Head of Information Department
* Statement of tasks
* Drew up of technical projects ;
* Designed, developed, deployed and supported company software for bookkeeping, sales and storehouse management ;
* Managed processes of installation, introduction, customization and improving of 3rd party software ;
* Definition architecture and topology of the local network ;
* Administration of the local network ;
* Definition of company requirements , managed purchasing of computer facilities ;
* Organized maintenance computer facilities, purchase of components and expendables ;
* Organized software training for the company employees ;
June 1997 — June 1997
1 month
APRT Gorprodtorg (since 1997 transformed to Kolibry)
SW Developer
Company: APRT "Gorprodtorg" ( from 9.6.1997 included in the "Kolibry" holding company)
Position: SW Developer, System Administrator, Head Information Department
* Statement of tasks
* Drew up of technical projects ;
* Developed and integrated software for bookkeeping and trading ;
* Provided user training and helpdesk organization ;
* Installation and administration of local networks ;
* Assessment of the company's computer facility needs ;
* Managed purchasing of computer facilities ;
January 1993 — August 1994
1 year 8 months
Structured technologies
SW Developer
Company: Joint-Stock Company "Structured technologies"
* Statement of tasks ;
* Developed, integrated and supported software for trading and accounting ;
January 1992 — January 1994
2 years 1 month
SW Developer
Developed software for telephony station
January 1989 — January 1989
1 month
VM-2 department laboratory
the VM-2 department laboratory
* Developed Software for students' testing and tools for test creation ;
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Highly educated and efficient software developer, able to quickly learn and use new technologies
Experience in design, developing and deploying bigdata analytics system based on relational and distributed databases
Involved in to design, developing and deploying ERP software for different companies
Experience in developing client/server and multi-tier applications
Involved in development process organization and process improving in all stages
Hands on experience with continuous integration also as performance and customer acceptance tests
Involved in 3rd party solution evaluation, analysis and integration.
Manage and supported process of building, testing, bug tracking and change management
Coordinated development workflow with distributed test and development teams
Have the motivation to take independent responsibility as well as ability to contribute and be a productive team member
Hobbies: Traveling, photography, aquarium
Higher education
Faculty of Automation & Computer Technique, Department Data Processing and Information Management Systems, System Engineering
Professional development, courses
Rational ClearCase Administration
Rational ClearQuest Administration
Leylock (IBM partner)
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour