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Женщина, 35 лет, родилась 13 июня 1989
Эстония, не готова к переезду, готова к редким командировкам
Указан примерный район поиска работы
HR-manager / recruiter
1 200 € на руки
- Специалист по подбору персонала
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа
Опыт работы 13 лет
Январь 2018 — Апрель 2021
3 года 4 месяца
Москва, Vozduhi.ru
Site administrator
Creation of an online store from "0".
Writing a technical assignment for Bitrix developer programmers.
Working with designers.
Filling the site with product groups and content.
Work with smm advertising, Yandex and Google direct, Yandex Market, as well as with additional advertising sites.
Июль 2017 — Ноябрь 2017
5 месяцев
ООО "ФрешБрокколи"
Москва, www.freshbroccoli.ru
Розничная торговля... Показать еще
Head of recruitment and adaptation department
1. Organization of the recruitment process.
- recruiting personnel and forming a pool of candidates (from top managers to warehouse personnel);
- organization of mass recruiting, using a bot
2. Organization of the personnel adaptation process.
- development and implementation of Welcome-trainings, development of materials for new employees;
- setting tasks and tracking the stages of trial periods;
- launch of a salary project from SberBank.
- successful completion of top vacancies: Chief Operating Officer. Leading programmer-consultant 1C (UT 11.3), PR manager, Trade marketer and Internet marketer, Developer 1C-Bitrix, Head of warehouse logistics, Head of transport logistics. Director of Business Development;
- successful experience in mass recruitment. With the help of the online program, in a total of 2 weeks, more than 20 people were brought to the line position (taking into account the time spent on mass interviews, an introductory tour of the warehouse and an internship day). Significant time and cost savings on staff.
The company was liquidated in 2018
Сентябрь 2014 — Январь 2017
2 года 5 месяцев
ГК "Вартон" (ТМ Varton, Gauss, Benetti, Awada)
Москва, www.varton.ru
Электроника, приборостроение, бытовая техника, компьютеры и оргтехника... Показать еще
Head of recruitment and adaptation department
1. Organization of the recruitment process.
- recruiting personnel and forming a pool of candidates (from top managers to warehouse and line personnel for production);
- conclusion of contracts with leading working sites, as well as auxiliary resources;
- development and approval of job templates and informational articles about the Group of Companies;
2. Formation of the personnel department and personnel policy of the company (in the central office (staff over 250 units) and at production in Bogoroditsk, Tula region (300 units). As well as work with friendly industries: Plant in Obninsk (15 units) and a plant in Saratov (15 units)
- development of regulations for communication and interaction with other departments;
- formation of the staffing table and the development of locally normative acts, job descriptions together with the KDP Specialist and the Management staff of the company;
- planning the budget of the personnel department.
3. Organization of the personnel adaptation process.
- development and implementation of Welcome-trainings, development of materials / guidebooks and manuals for new employees;
- creation of an adaptation site and adaptation materials (adaptation book);
- tracking the stages of the trial periods.
4. Training and professional development of personnel.
- formation of an internal training center;
- search and organization of external trainings and seminars (Time management, NLP, a seminar on the State Defense Order - comparison of 275 and 44 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation);
- assistance in organizing webinars and youtube trainings
- formation of the personnel department from scratch, as well as assistance in the formation of the personnel and accounting department on the territory of friendly industries in Saratov and Obninsk;
- successful closure and stable work of top specialists;
- successful experience of working with regional and mass recruitment of personnel;
- successful experience in searching for employees abroad (former CIS countries and Europe);
- statistics: 2014 - 57 people, 2015 - 40 people, 2016 - 100 people
Сентябрь 2012 — Август 2014
2 года
Москва, www.antgrup.ru/
Услуги для бизнеса... Показать еще
Lead recruiting consultant / Head of the Moscow office
Responsibilities of the Recruiter:
- active search for candidates (mass and regional selection, handhunting, filling top vacancies);
- conducting interviews (including: case - interviews, interviews on competencies, projective interviews, attestation interviews);
- Consultation of applicants, correction and compilation from scratch of the resume of candidates;
- Consulting employers, drafting and posting vacancies, monitoring and analyzing the personnel market;
- participation and visiting exhibitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
- identification of the needs of the Customer, full support of the Customer (from the moment of receipt of the Application, ending with the signing of the Act on the services provided);
- maintaining the Archive of candidates and customers in the E-staff program, monitoring the relevance of proposals.
Responsibilities of the Manager:
- selection and adaptation of personnel within the Agency, coaching, supervising the work of employees (subordinate to 3 managers);
- formation of a client base, distribution of customers and vacancies by the level of complexity among the Recruiter-performers;
- reporting to the management of the company on the work of the Branch.
- career growth due to the fulfillment of planned indicators (from the Assistant to the Lead Consultant / Head of the Moscow office);
- successful closing of top positions (Design Engineer of Medical Equipment, Financial Director, Chief Accountant, Legal Counsel, Monolithic Construction Surveyor, Marketer, Wholesale Sales Manager, Regional Sales Manager, Smart Home Project Manager (ACS), Ready-made Project Manager technical solutions, tender manager, executive director);
- successful cooperation with various business sectors (Construction; Services; Sales of complex technical and laboratory medical equipment; Production and Distribution)
Reason for dismissal: lack of growth, lack of stability in wages. A more promising proposal from the HR director of Warton Group
Февраль 2008 — Август 2012
4 года 7 месяцев
Туристическое агентство "Смайл Тур" (ООО "Ассанта", ООО "Дельта-Орион" )
Москва, www.smiletour.ru
Услуги для населения... Показать еще
HR manager
Holding (several legal entities, 4 founders) with different business areas (tourism and pharmacies are the main directions).
- formation of the personnel policy of the company, personnel document flow of the company, communication with the accountant for calculating payroll;
- recruitment of personnel (couriers, secretaries, drivers, sales managers of tour services, accountants);
- work with websites, newspapers, outdoor advertising;
- personnel testing;
- participation in exhibitions and events, performance of organizational functions;
- participation in auctions for commercial real estate (search, tracking of objects, collection of the necessary documentation together with the legal department);
- fulfillment of instructions from the General Director.
- restoration of personnel records management;
- debugged HR workflow in the company and communication between departments;
- successful opening of 5 sales offices, in the period from 2005 to 2008
Ноябрь 2007 — Февраль 2008
4 месяца
ООО "Реал Эстейт Групп"
Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще
Assistant to General Director
Construction of Retail Spaces and Business Centers.
- scheduling of meetings and events of the head of the company;
- meeting with guests;
- fulfillment of orders of the Manager and colleagues from the accounting department, legal department and customer service.
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Права категории B
Обо мне
Отличная деловая коммуникация;
Успешное сотрудничество с разными отраслями бизнеса; Успешный опыт формирования hr-команды и управление отделом до 5 чел.
Высшее образование
Академия труда и социальных отношений
Финансы и страхование
Академия менеджмента и инноваций
Экономика, бух.учет и юриспруденция
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
семинар "Собеседование-сканер: учимся видеть насквозь"
FriendWork, Рекрутинг
семинар «Учимся на чужих ошибках. Главные заблуждения рекрутеров»
Светлана Иванова, Специалист
HR-форум малобюджетные HR-решения
Messe Frankfurt RUS Соорганизатор: Лайтинг Бизнес Консалтинг Модератор : Визави Консалт
Эффективный рекрутмент. Технологии поиска, оценки, отбора и продвижения кандидатов
Тренинг Валерия Полякова
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Россия
Разрешение на работу: Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не более часа