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Male, 61 year, born on 4 June 1963

Not looking for a job

Estonia, I want to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Production Management, Production Controlling

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 25 years 4 months

September 2008currently
16 years 7 months
Melton Dew Eesti OÜ


CEO and Senior Consultant
Main projects: Interims-Management CFO/CEO: different projects in production-controlling, sales-controlling, cost-accounting and financial accounting (with annual report). Industry: metalworking, e-commerce, services and Education. Budgeting and reporting in petroleum industry: Compile and improve monthly reporting, Budgeting and budget comparison, Compile last-estimate; time contribution: 80 days: duration 10 months (2016/17); international petroleum distributor. Financial accounting: Ensure correct bookkeeping for clients in Estonia and Austria (including annual reports); time contribution: 4 days per month; duration: 2013-17; accounting company, 4 employees. Facility management in government administration (Project member): Developing decision-support-system based on EN 15221 with definition of decision-making processes and decision parameters factors; time contribution; 60 days: duration: 4 months (2012); Ministries: ca. 2500 buildings Land development (International Investment-company)(project manager): Technical-economical conception with feasibility study and implementation schedule; management of the development activities. Time contribution: 320 days; duration: 3 years (2008-2010); Size of property: 250 hectare, ca. 500 housing units, ca. 1000 workplaces Full profile of competencies upon request !!
April 2019August 2020
1 year 5 months
TTK University for Applied Science

Estonia, www.tktk.ee

Educational Institutions... Show more

visitng professor
Study program leader in production technologies and marketing. Lectures in Fundamentals of Production management (Estonian), Process development and management (Estonian); Operation Management (Estonian); production management (Estonian); bases of work studies (Estonian); applied research projects with local companies and local government in circular economy, production planning and management.
May 2017August 2018
1 year 4 months
Hanza Mechanics Narva AS

Estonia, www.hanza.com

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

- Coordination of external accounting, including payroll accounting - Stock taking and stock evaluation - Implementation and managing of invoice verification - Implementation and managing of weekly, monthly, yearly reporting including Budgeting - Implementation and managing of Cost-Accounting, Cost center- and Cost object accounting - Implementation of Liquidity Management and Working Capital Management - Investment planning - improving business processes based on introduction ERP system MONITOR
September 2003August 2014
11 years
Tallinn University of Technology – Tallinn, Estonia


Educational Institutions... Show more

Lectures in Fundamental of Business Administration (english), Operation Management (estonian and english), Production Management (english), Controlling (Estonian and English) Track record: https://www.etis.ee/Portal/Persons/Display/062f5033-3b22-42a3-8692-2f807df4d0cf?tabId=CV_ENG Responsibilities: Exchange of academics with Moscow State Technical University (Bauman University), Coordination of activities in Renewable energy in behalf of School of Economics and Business Administration Main Projects: Conception of assembly line with replenishment system (project manager): AS-IS Analysis, TO-BE concept (Phase I) and implementation (Phase II) of planning and control processes in production with integration into PPC and Controlling Systems. Time contribution: 2x80 days; duration: 2x6 months (2013/2014). Multinational company telecommunication equipment (Ericsson). 2500 employees in local production
September 2001September 2008
7 years 1 month
United Business Internaltional

Business Services... Show more

Senior Consultant
Implement and develop of Management Systems, computer based solutions for Accounting, Management Control and Performance Measurement systems; Senior executive coaching in Management Systems, Strategic Management, Management Rules, Management Control Systems; Revitalisation services, BPR Industries: furniture, metal, health care and service industry Main projects: Construction (international group)(interims CFO with proxy): Developing and implementation of project controlling system; implementation of group reports in daughter companies with reconciliation; implementation of QM System based on ISO 9000. Time contribution 200 days; duration 12 months (2007/2008); Size of company 5-10 Mio € revenue, 50 employees Trading company (entrepreneurial company) (project manager): Develop and implementation of sales-controlling and finance management, annual report; Time contribution 120 days; duration 8 months (2004/2005); Size of company 15 Mio € revenue, 30 employees Toolmaker (International group)(project manager): Implementation of QM-System based on ISO 9000 as a part of TQM; Time contribution: 100 days; duration 7 months (2004); 5-10 Mio €, 80 employees Metalworking (entrepreneurial company)(interims COO with proxy): Company revitalization including improvement of processes and usage of resources; Time contribution: 120 days; duration: 6 months (2003); Size of company : 5 Mio € revenue, 50 employees
September 2000September 2001
1 year 1 month
Christianson Consulting OÜ

Business Services... Show more

senior consultant and COO
Managing the company and consultation of companies in the area management-system (incl. ISO 9000) and BPR
December 1999August 2000
9 months
expo.ee OÜ

Timber Industry... Show more

Project manager and COO
Set up and develop the company, managing of projects. Develop, implementation and managing of project-controlling system; industry: both construction


Skill proficiency levels
Innovation Management
Management Accounting
Performance Management
Production Process Control

Driving experience

Driver's license category A, B, C, BE

About me

Value driven line and project manager with 30+ years’ experience in strategic and operational transitions, Controlling and production management of small and midsize, inter-cultural manufacturing companies across a wide range of industries. Internationally recognized for collaborative leadership style with proactive approach, and keen ability to work out and implement effective organisation-specific and (non-) traditional solutions in complex systems to solve challenges in volatile external and internal environments; capable of blending big-picture, strategic views with operational daily need considerations to ensure business viability. The analytical, systems-oriented, conceptual, and overall goal-oriented approach has been demonstrated in cross disciplinary assignments, particularly issues related to innovation, overcome crisis situations and New Technologies, as well as in the integration of group subsidiaries in Central and Eastern Europe into German and European business and management structures. Along with professional activities, he is a researcher with focus on the development of holistic and sustainable systems for production and regional areas; especially the ecological, technological, social and economic feasibility with considering interests of all stakeholders and targets in circular economic and management of flexibility. Scientific and Teaching experiences has been demonstrated to undergraduate and master level students in lectures at the Tallinn University of Technology and Moscow State Technical University (Bauman University), but also to researchers and practicing experts in presentation at conferences, seminars and workshops in European Union countries and in Russia and Ukraine.

Higher education (PhD)

Engineering Business and Management, Development of a model for managing flexibility on strategical and operation level in production companies



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

EstonianC2 — Proficiency

RussianA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

University of Cologne / Germany
WISO Faculty, Production economics, Product Marketing, Business IY

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Germany

Permission to work: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter