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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 33 years, born on 4 October 1991
Moscow, metro station Kuntsevskaya, I want to relocate (Estonia), prepared for occasional business trips
- Sales manager, account manager
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 10 years 7 months
June 2019 — currently
5 years 10 months
Moscow, www.mts.ru
Telecommunications, Communications... Show more
Lead specialist
Project management for network and technology development.
Managing projects for construction and modernization of base stations throughout the country.
Project’s promotion.
Traffic forecast for base stations using python and additional libraries such as pandas, sklearn, numpy, and others.
March 2018 — May 2019
1 year 3 months
Machine learning
Programming in MATLAB
Database managment using PostgreSQL
March 2016 — March 2018
2 years 1 month
Federal Research Center Crystallography and Photonics RAS
Technical research
Data analysis
Laboratory experiments
Programming in MATLAB
Programming in ORIGIN
Working with high complexity gear
October 2015 — March 2016
6 months
Photochemistry center RAS
Technical research
Data analysis
Laboratory experiments
Programming in MATLAB
Programming in ORIGIN
Working with high complexity gear
October 2014 — June 2015
9 months
A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electochemistry
Data analysis
Optimization and development of existing code
Programming in MATLAB environment
Machine learning
Neural networks
Technical research
September 2011 — December 2011
4 months
Programming in MATLAB environment
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
I am interested in electronics and physics since childhood. Automation and modern robotics, microcontrollers and prototyping are areas, that interests me. In addition i want to learn more about big data, machine learning, AI and python.
A lot of skills in programming i have learned myself.
Higher education (master)
Department of Molecular and Chemical Physics, Physics of supramolecular systems and nanophotonics
Department of Molecular and Chemical Physics, Physics of High-temperature processes
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Estonia
Permission to work: Estonia, Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter