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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 49 years, born on 27 December 1975

Not looking for a job

Saint Petersburg, willing to relocate (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, USA, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, Estonia), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Lead Software Developer, Team Lead

7 000 $ in hand

  • Programmer, developer

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 25 years 11 months

September 2013currently
11 years 7 months

Saint Petersburg, www.luxoft.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Team leader
Margin risks calculation for large CitiGroup clients. Data from several Citi systems and external systems are gathered in our system on daily basis. Our system calculates risk requirements for Citi client portfolios, creates reports for Citi business and for several downstream systems. Java SE/EE, Cassandra for distributed calculations, Oracle. Working with client (requirements), architecture development, Java code development, DB development, release management, working with QA. Team working (SubVersion, Teamforge, Wiki). Everyday verbal and written communications with English speaking clients.
May 2010August 2013
3 years 4 months

Saint Petersburg, www.devexperts.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Lead Software Developer
Three-tier applications for trading on electronic stock exchanges ThinkOrSwim by TD Ameritrade (TOS/TDA), USA (thinkorswim.com). Futures, risk management, commission management, TOS<–>TDA sync, FIX, dxFeed, high frequency trading. GUI – Java under Windows & MacOSX, app servers – Java under Solaris & Linux, database – Oracle. Working with client (requirements), architecture development, Java code development, DB development, release management, working with QA. Team working (SubVersion, JIRA, Wiki). Everyday verbal and written communications with English speaking developers, managers, customer support. Business trips.
October 2008May 2010
1 year 8 months
OOO Endero

Saint Petersburg, endero.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Senior Software Developer
• 1st project: Multiplatform (Windows, MacOSX, Linux) application for interconnection with Suunto sport training devices (suunto.com), user interaction and interconnection with SOAP web services. Designing and developing multiplatform code using POSIX and Qt (with encapsulated platform specific parts). Language: C++ (gcc, XCode, MS Visual Studio). Team working (SubVersion, SharePoint Portal). Everyday verbal and written communications with English speaking developers, managers, clients. Business trips. • 2nd project: Recruitment and social media web site development. Languages and tools: PHP, Zend, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, DHTML, Java. PHP development, SQL development, Java development, architecture design, DB design. Apache web server, Tomcat application server, MySQL DB server, CAS SSO server, Linux OS. Team working (SubVersion, Mantis, SharePoint Portal). Everyday verbal and written communications with English speaking developers, managers, clients. Business trips.
March 2006October 2008
2 years 8 months
tbricks, Санкт-Петербург

Saint Petersburg, www.tbricks.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Senior Software Developer
Three-tier applications for trading on electronic stock exchanges. Developing and testing client part (GUI) on C# for Windows (Visual Studio) and server part on C++ for Solaris, Linux, Win32/64 (Visual Studio), MacOSX (the same code for all these systems). Extensive use of GNU utilities such as gdb, make, awk, sed; shell scripts; Perl; Rational PurifyPlus for Windows and UNIX systems; MacOSX development tools. Team working (SubVersion, Atlassian JIRA and Confluence). Everyday verbal and written communications with English speaking developers, managers, clients.
July 2004February 2006
1 year 8 months
ORC Software

Saint Petersburg, www.orcsoftware.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Software Developer
Three-tier applications for trading on electronic stock exchanges. Developing and testing client part (GUI) on Objective-C (COCOA) for MacOSX and Windows (the same code for all these systems) and server part on C++ for Linux, Solaris (the same code for all these systems). Extensive use of GNU utilities such as gdb, dbx, make, awk, sed; shell scripts; MacOSX development tools. Team working (cvs). Everyday verbal and written communications with English speaking developers, managers, clients.
September 2002July 2004
1 year 11 months
Sunrise-r SPb

Saint Petersburg, www.sunrise-r.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Software Developer
Applications for business processes analysis. Designing and developing a very complicated GUI in Delphi. Designing and developing fully functional Web interface in HTML, JS, and CSS for IE and NN. Designing and developing client-server database and middleware layer. The middleware was developed using Delphi, ODBC. Various RDBMS (primarily MS SQL) can be used as backend database. Team working (VSS, Lotus Notes). Everyday verbal and written communications with English speaking developers, managers, clients.
May 2001September 2002
1 year 5 months

Saint Petersburg, www.solvo.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Software Developer
Warehouse, customs, superstore, transport, supplies, container terminal management system on C/C++ (gcc, C++ Builder), Java, Delphi, tcl/Tk, Prolog and DBMS Oracle, Postgres. Designing and developing of systems those have their different components in Linux and Windows environments. GTK, KDE, STL, multithreading, TCP/IP. GUI, DB developing, business logic, networking. Team working (cvs).
May 2000February 2001
10 months
ZAO «Shkola Garmony», Russia

Saint Petersburg

Retail... Show more

Software Developer
Store, logistic and account programs on C++ Builder/MS SQL, C++ Builder/Interbase and Java/Interbase. GUI, DB developing, business logic. Team working (Borland TeamSource).
March 1999May 2000
1 year 3 months
TOO «SZKK «Raysky Sad», Russia

Saint Petersburg

Food Products... Show more

Software Developer
Store, logistic and account programs on C++ Builder/Paradox and C++ Builder/MS SQL. GUI, DB developing, business logic. Team working.


Skill proficiency levels
C/C++ (gcc, Sun C compiler, MS VC++, C++ Builder)
Development Tools: MS Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, XCode, NetBeans IDE, Sun Studio, Rational Purify
GUI multiplatform development using Qt, GTK+, tcl/Tk
Hardware: Intel (working knowledge of Intel based PC architecture), Apple (PowerPC)
Have developed three-tier and client-server systems
HTML/DHTML, JS and CSS (for all popular browsers)
Java (SE (JCF, AWT, Swing, JDBC, RMI, JNI, JMX), EE (EJB, JMS), JAXB; “pure” SDK, IntelliJ IDEA, Net
Languages: C/C++ (gcc, Sun C compiler, MS VC++, C++ Builder), Java (“pure” SDK, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBe
.NET/C# (GUI, threads, networking, generics, reflection, LINQ)
Operating Systems: Windows (3.x, Windows 9x, NT 4, 2000, XP, Vista), Linux, Solaris, MacOSX, MS-DOS
Other software: Apache, Tomcat, CAS; awk, sed; MS Internet Information Server, MS Exchange Server, M
Program interfaces (APIs), libraries and technologies: TCP/IP, multithreading, STL, Boost, Qt, GTK+,
RDBMS: MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Interbase, Postgres, Paradox, MS Access
Software design and development in UNIX-like systems (Linux, Solaris and MacOSX)
Software design and development in Windows environment
SQL programming with MySQL, MS SQL, Interbase, Oracle, including DB design, stored procedures and tr
Strong experience in team software developing, using version control systems (cvs, SubVersion, VSS,
Version control systems: Microsoft Visual Source Safe, cvs, SubVersion, Inprise TeamSource

About me

• C/C++ (gcc, Sun C compiler, MS VC++, C++ Builder) – 8 years • Java (SE (JCF, AWT, Swing, JDBC, RMI, JNI, JMX), EE (EJB, JMS), JAXB; “pure” SDK, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans IDE, JBuilder) – 7 years • .NET/C# (GUI, threads, networking, generics, reflection, LINQ) – 4 years • Objective-C – 2 years • SQL programming with MySQL, MS SQL, Interbase, Oracle, including DB design, stored procedures and triggers – 6 years • HTML/DHTML, JS and CSS (for all popular browsers) – 5 years • Perl – 3 years • PHP/Zend – 1 year • Software design and development in Windows environment – 8 years • Software design and development in UNIX-like systems (Linux, Solaris and MacOSX) – 7 years • GUI multiplatform development using Qt, GTK+, tcl/Tk – 2.5 years • Have developed three-tier and client-server systems. • Strong experience in team software developing, using version control systems (cvs, SubVersion, VSS, TeamSource), bug tracking systems (Lotus Notes, Atlassian JIRA, etc.). • Operating Systems: Windows (3.x, Windows 9x, NT 4, 2000, XP, Vista), Linux, Solaris, MacOSX, MS-DOS. • Languages: C/C++ (gcc, Sun C compiler, MS VC++, C++ Builder), Java (“pure” SDK, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans IDE, JBuilder), C#, Objective-C, HTML/DHTML, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, UNIX shell, tcl/Tk, Prolog, Assembler x86, Pascal (Delphi). • RDBMS: MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Interbase, Postgres, Paradox, MS Access. • Development Tools: MS Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, XCode, NetBeans IDE, Sun Studio, Rational PurifyPlus for Windows and UNIX systems, gdb, dbx, make, MS Script Editor, JBuilder, C++ Builder, Delphi. • Program interfaces (APIs), libraries and technologies: TCP/IP, multithreading, STL, Boost, Qt, GTK+, COM/OLE, Win32 API, ODBC and ADO, Zend, XML, SOAP, WSDL, SAX, DOM. • Version control systems: Microsoft Visual Source Safe, cvs, SubVersion, Inprise TeamSource. • Other software: Apache, Tomcat, CAS; awk, sed; MS Internet Information Server, MS Exchange Server, MS Terminal Server; SharePoint, Wiki, Mantis. • Hardware: Intel (working knowledge of Intel based PC architecture), Apple (PowerPC).

Higher education

Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (SPbETU – former LETI)
The Faculty of Computing Technologies and Informatics – «Computers and networking/Automated data processing and control systems»
Saint-Petersburg secondary school #13 with deep English study
Secondary education



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Microsoft Corporation program products specialist
Microsoft Corporation Authorized SPbETU Educational Center

Tests, examinations

Java SE 6 Programmer
Oracle Certified Professional, passed

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter